1. 1Insitut für Pharmakognosie der Universität Wien, Währingerstr. 25, A-1090 Wien
2. 2Institut für Allgemeine Biochemie der Universität Wien und Ludwig Boltzmann-Forschungssteile für Biochemie
Abstract [4-14C] Progesterone, fed to leaves and whole plants of Convallaria majalis L., was incorporated into the main cardenolide glycosides. After application of [4-14C] progesterone to the leaves of intact plants via the epidermis labelled desglucocheirotoxin, convallatoxin and convallatoxol were isolated from rhizomes and roots. When the precursor was administered to rhizome cuttings no radioactivity could be detected in the cardiac glycoside fraction. The experiments pointed out that during the stage of flowering biosynthesis of cardenolide glycosides takes place in the leaves of Convallaria majalis rather than in the subterranean parts of the plant. A translocation of these substances from the leaves to rhizomes and roots seems possible.
General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
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1 articles.