1. Fachbereich Chemie der Universität Kaiserslautern, Erwin-Schrödinger-Straße, D-6750 Kaiserslautern
Decacarbonyldirhenium (1) and phenylallene (2) form upon UV irradiation four dinuclear complexes: Decacarbonyl-μ-η1:1-(3,4-diphenyl-1,5-hexadien-2,5-diyl)-dirhenium (3), enneacarbonyl-μ-ηl:3-(3-phenyl-2-propen-1,2-diyl)-dirhenium (4), octacarbonyl-μ-hydrido-μ-η1:2-(3-phenyl-1,2-propadien-l-yl)-dirhenium (5) and octacarbonyl-μ-η2:2-(phenyl-1,2-propadiene)-dirhenium (6). The thermolabile complex 4 looses CO and forms the phenylallene bridged compound 6. Similarly 5 is rearranged to 6 by transfer of the hydrido ligand to the 3-phenyl-1,2-propadien-1-yl bridge. The formation of 3 and 4 can be rationalized via pentacarbonyl-phenylpropenediyl-rhenium radicals which dimerize to give 3 or add pentacarbonylrhenium radicals, loose CO and form 4. The crystal and molecular structure of 3 was determined by X-ray structure analysis. In the solid state the molecule is present in the ± ap conformation. In solution at 233 K the ±ap, +sc, and –sc conformations are equally populated. By a hindered rotation around a CC single bond, the three conformers are interconverted with a rotation barrier of ΔG*258 = 52.3 ± 1 kJ · mol-1.
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