1. Fachbereich Chemie der Philipps-Universität, Hans-Meerwein-Straße, D-3550 Marburg
Cp2ZrCl2 reacts with an excess of PH2Ph in the presence of magnesium turnings to yield
(Cp = η5-C5H5) (1). Only the meso form of 1 is present in solution as well as in the solid state [with R or S configuration of P(1), S or R of P(3)]. 1 crystallizes monoclinicly in the space group P21/c (Nr. 14) with Z = 4, a = 10.699(3), b = 15.065(3), c = 16.135(13) Å, β = 109.53(5)°. The structure was refined to R = 0.066 for 2082 reflections. The coordination of the P3Ph3
2- ligand to the Cp2Zr fragment is nearly symmetrical (Zr-P: 2.635(2) and 2.622(2) Å), and the ZrP3 metallacycle is almost planar.
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17 articles.