1. Lehrstuhl für Anorganische Chemie der GH Siegen
As the first ternary calcium chromium sulfide Ca0,29Cr0,48S was synthesized by firing of stoichiometric mixtures of CaS and Cr2S3 at 950 °C. From strontium and barium only the well-known compounds SrCr2S4 and BaCr2S4 could be obtained. The best methods of preparation for these compounds are the reactions of SrCrO4 or BaCO3 and Cr2S3 resp. with H2S/H2 at 950 °C. Whisker-like single crystals of BaCr2S4 are formed by heating of crude BaCr2S4 with AICl3. X-ray and IR data of the ternary chromium sulfides are given.
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