1. Department of Advanced Biomedical Sciences , University of Naples, Section of Legal Medicine Via Sergio Pansini , 5, 80131 , Naples , Italy
2. Department of Advanced Biomedical Sciences , Naples , Italy
3. University of Naples “Federico II”. Via Sergio Pansini , 5, 80131 , Naples , Italy
4. Department of Surgery, Radiology and Public Health, Public Health and Humanities Section , University of Brescia – Centre of Bioethics Research (with the contribution of IRCCS “S.Giovanni di Dio - Fatebenefratelli”) , Italy. P.le Spedali Civili, 1, 25123 , Brescia , Italy
5. Jurisprudence School , University of Camerino , Via A. D’Accorso 16, 62032 , Camerino (MC) , Italy