Transportation of Dangerous Goods in Green Transport Corridors - Conclusions from Baltic Sea Region


Schröder Meike1,Prause Gunnar2


1. Hamburg University of Technology, Institute of Business Logistics and General Management, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 4, 21073 Hamburg, Germany

2. Tallinn University of Technology, School of Economics and Business Administration, Akadeemia Tee 3, 12618 Tallinn, Estonia


Abstract The Green Corridor concept represents a cornerstone in the development and implementation of integrated and sustainable transport solutions based on trans-nationality, multi-modality and a high involvement of public and private stakeholders, including the political level. Despite the fact that the Green Transport Corridor (GTC) concept is founded on the three dimensions of sustainability with a strong emphasis on environmental aspects, the corridor hubs as well as the whole transport corridors have to find ways to handle and transport dangerous goods by keeping the high sustainability standards. The paper addresses the research questions what kind of economical, ecological and social risks might occur in the context of handling and transportation of dangerous goods in a Green Transport Corridor in the Baltic Sea Region, what consequences they might have on the GTC design and how and with which measures they can be managed. Based on this analysis the development of a comprehensive risk management concept for the handling and transportation of dangerous goods in Green Transport Corridors in the Baltic Sea Region based on Schröder and Prause (2015) will be started. The concept will include practical implications and best practices.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Computer Science Applications,General Engineering

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