Hybrid subconvexity for class group 𝐿-functions and uniform sup norm bounds of Eisenstein series


Nordentoft Asbjørn Christian1


1. Department of Mathematical Sciences , University of Copenhagen , Universitetsparken 5, 2100 Copenhagen , Denmark


Abstract In this paper, we study hybrid subconvexity bounds for class group L-functions associated to quadratic extensions K / {K/\mathbb{Q}} (real or imaginary). Our proof relies on relating the class group L-functions to Eisenstein series evaluated at Heegner points using formulas due to Hecke. The main technical contribution is the uniform sup norm bound for Eisenstein series E ( z , 1 / 2 + i t ) ε y 1 / 2 ( | t | + 1 ) 1 / 3 + ε {E(z,1/2+it)\ll_{\varepsilon}y^{1/2}(\lvert t\rvert+1)^{1/3+\varepsilon}} , y 1 {y\gg 1} , extending work of Blomer and Titchmarsh. Finally, we propose a uniform version of the sup norm conjecture for Eisenstein series.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

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