Laws of the iterated logarithm on covering graphs with groups of polynomial volume growth


Namba Ryuya1


1. Department of Mathematical Sciences , College of Science and Engineering , Ritsumeikan University , 1-1-1, Noji-higashi , Kusatsu 525-8577 , Japan


Abstract Moderate deviation principles (MDPs) for random walks on covering graphs with groups of polynomial volume growth are discussed in a geometric point of view. They deal with any intermediate spatial scalings between those of laws of large numbers and those of central limit theorems. The corresponding rate functions are given by quadratic forms determined by the Albanese metric associated with the given random walks. We apply MDPs to establish laws of the iterated logarithm on the covering graphs by characterizing the set of all limit points of the normalized random walks.


Japan Society for the Promotion of Science


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

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