Position-dependent finite symmetric mass harmonic like oscillator: Classical and quantum mechanical study


Rath Biswanath1,Mallick Pravanjan1,Mohapatra Prachiprava2,Asad Jihad3,Shanak Hussein3,Jarrar Rabab3


1. Department of Physics, Maharaja Sriram Chandra Bhanja Deo University, Takatpur , Baripada-757003 , Odisha , India

2. Department of Physics, NC Junior College , Jajpur-755001 , Odisha , India

3. Department of Physics, College of Applied Sciences, Palestine Technical University-PTUK , Tulkarm , Palestine


Abstract We formulated the oscillators with position-dependent finite symmetric decreasing and increasing mass. The classical phase portraits of the systems were studied by analytical approach (He’s frequency formalism). We also study the quantum mechanical behaviour of the system and plot the quantum mechanical phase space for necessary comparison with the same obtained classically. The phase portrait in all the cases exhibited closed loop reflecting the stable system but the quantum phase portrait exhibited the inherent signature (cusp or kink) near origin associated with the mass. Although the systems possess periodic motion, the discrete eigenvalues do not possess any similarity with that of the simple harmonic oscillator having m = 1.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


General Physics and Astronomy

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