Study of ultrasonic influence on heat transfer and resistance performance of round tube with twisted belt


Yang Yuxi1,Liu Hongyan1,Yu Chulin1,Wang Wenqing1,Lv Xiaohan1,Zhang Haiqing1


1. School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Hebei University of Technology , Tianjin 300130 , China


Abstract In this study, ultrasonic technology is combined with twisted belts to explore the comprehensive performance, and this study also investigated the effect of different Reynolds numbers, ultrasonic frequencies, and number of transducers on the performance of circular and twisted band tubes. It was found that ultrasonic waves applied on the tube plate enhanced the heat transfer performance of the heat exchanger tubes, reduced the flow resistance, and improved the overall performance, and the lower the ultrasonic frequency, the better the heat transfer and resistance reduction ability, and at the experimental condition frequency of 21 kHz, the maximum increase of Nu is 19.06%. With the increase of Reynolds number, the better the ultrasonic enhancement heat transfer performance, but the worse the resistance reduction performance. For different heat exchanger tube structures, the synergistic enhanced heat transfer effect of ultrasonic waves with the twisted belt is better than round tubes, and the synergistic drag reduction effect with the round tube is better than the twisted tape round tube. When the installed ultrasonic transducers are two, the heat transfer performance of the heat exchanger tube is the best, and the maximum increase in the value of Nu was 28.06%.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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