1. Abramović, Marina. “Rhythm 0.” MoMA, 2021. www.moma.org/audio/playlist/243/3118.
2. Assmann, Jan. “Communicative and Cultural Memory.” Cultural Memory Studies: An Interdisciplinary Handbook, edited by Astrid Erll and Ansgar Nünning, Walter de Gruyter, 2008, pp. 109–118.
3. Barthes, Roland. Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography, translated by Richard Howard, Hill and Wang, 1981.
4. Barthes, Roland. Elements of Semiology, translated by Annette Lavers and Colin Smith, Hill and Wang, 1977.
5. Benjamin, Walter and Harry Zohn. “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction.” Illuminations, edited by Hannah Arendt, and Schocken Books, 1969.