1. Leviathan edited by first published A Treatise of Human nd edition edited by revised by first published Oxford;Hobbes;Nature,1986
2. Liberty Preference and Choice in and The Economics of Rights Cooperation and Welfare Oxford;York;Economics Philosophy,1985
3. Fun and Games Lexington Playing Fair Theory and the Social Contract I Cambridge Mass Just Playing Theory and the Social Contract II Cambridge Mass forthcoming Herakleitos and Diogenes San Francisco;Binmore;Game Game,1992
4. Rights to Liberty in Purely Private Matters I in and Rights to Liberty in Purely Private Matters II in and Phi losophy The Impossibility of a Paretian Liberal in of Minimal Liberty in The Theory of Moral Sentiments edited by first published Oxford;Riley;Economics Philosophy Economics Journal Political Economy Economica,1989
5. Theological - Political Treatise in Works of Benedict de Spinoza translated by first published Dover - New;Spinoza;Chief,1951