Jeremy Bentham on David Hume: “Having Enter’d into Metaphysics,” but “Having Lost His Way”


Zhang Yanxiang1


1. School of Humanities and Law, North China University of Technology , Beijing , China


Abstract This article argues that Bentham’s metaphysics has until recently been unfairly belittled, and that it in fact built on and surpassed that of David Hume, of whom Bentham was both an attentive student and a fierce critic. Bentham’s logic is metaphysically based, multi-levelled, and comprehensive. First, taking Hume’s empiricism as a starting point, Bentham developed the additional mechanism of “reflection” to facilitate a utilitarian pragmatic resolution to Hume’s skepticism. Second, unlike Hume, Bentham aspired to encyclopedic knowledge, especially of the human mind, which he believed allowed him to place his thought on a more solid and broader foundation. Third, whereas Hume focused on the passive understanding, Bentham captured the interaction between understanding and volition. Fourth, in relation to moral approbation, Hume adopted an approach which highlighted benevolence, whereas Bentham sought to reconcile self-preference with benevolence. Fifth, Hume’s common sense moral philosophy pushed him to associate justice with social convention, and helped to make him a conservative. Bentham developed the principle of utility to direct and push forward social reform for a better world.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH



Reference32 articles.

1. Bentham Papers Database:

2. Bentham, Jeremy. The Book of Fallacies, edited by A. Friend. London: John and H.L. Hunt, 1824.

3. Bentham, Jeremy. The Works of Jeremy Bentham, 11 vols, edited by John Bowring. Edinburgh: William Tait, 1838–43.

4. Bentham, Jeremy. The Theory of Legislation, edited by C. K. Ogden. London: Kegan Paul, 1931.

5. Bentham, Jeremy. An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, edited by J. H. Burns and H. L. A. Hart. London: Athlone Press, 1970.







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