Chemical Quest: general knowledge and popular culture quizzes about the elements in a board game for the class


Bortoli Marco1,Balasso Antonella2,Carta Giovanni2,Cestaro Maristella3,Colla Viviana4,De Togni Alessandra5,Gallani Giulio6,Giacometti Cristina7,Gianni Laura8,Giuffreda Lucia9,Granella Manuela10,Iarabek Marina11,Lion Enrico12,Mazzi Giuseppe13,Migale Caterina7,Milan Stefano9,Molesini Paola7,Moretto Mara14,Predonzan Roberta15,Priolisi Ornella2,Romualdi Rosella16,Rubini Cristina17,Scarfì Sandra8,Tobaldini Elena7,Dalla Tiezza Marco18,Nale Enrico18,Bellanda Massimo18,Kennedy Gordon7,Sella Gianpietro18,Lanza Alessandro19,Orian Laura18ORCID


1. Department of Chemistry, Hylleraas Centre for Quantum Molecular Sciences , University of Oslo , P.O. Box 1033, Blindern, 0315 Oslo , Norway

2. ITIS ‘Silvio De Pretto’ , Via XXIX Aprile 40, 36015 Schio , VI , Italy

3. IIS ‘Veronese- Marconi’ – Sede associata di Cavarzere , Via Tullio Serafin 15, 30014 Cavarzere , Ve , Italy

4. ITT ‘Eugenio Barsanti’ , Via dei Carpani 19/B, 31033 Castelfranco Veneto , Tv , Italy

5. I.I.S. Ferraris-Fermi di Verona , Via del Pontiere 40, 37122 Verona , Italy

6. Liceo Statale ‘Ippolito Nievo’- Scientifico- Scienze applicate- Linguistico , Via G. Barbarico 38, 35141 Padova , Italy

7. ISS COPERNICO-PASOLI , Via Anti 5, 37132 , Verona , Italy

8. Liceo Scientifico ‘Ugo Morin’ , Via Asseggiano 39, 30174 Mestre , Ve , Italy

9. IIS ‘Levi Ponti’ , Via Matteotti 42, 30035 Mirano , Ve , Italy

10. IIS G. B. Ferrari , Via Stazie Bragadine 3, 35042 Este , Pd , Italy

11. Liceo Statale “G. Renier” Economico sociale-Linguistico-Musicale-Scienze umane , Via Marchesi 71, 32100 Belluno , Italy

12. Istituto Cavanis , P.tta Pio x 3, 31054 Possagno , TV , Italy

13. Liceo E. Medi , Via Magenta 7A, 37069 Villafranca di Verona , VR , Italy

14. Istituto TecnicoTecnologico E. Fermi, indirizzo biotecnologie ambientali , Via S. Croce 14, 36061 Bassano del Grappa , Vi , Italy

15. Istituto d’Istruzione Superiore ‘G. Veronese – M. Marconi’ , Via Togliatti 833, 30015 Chioggia , Ve , Italy

16. IIS ‘Pacinotti’ Chimica dei materiali articolazione Biotecnologie ambientali , Via Caneve 93, 30173 Mestre , Ve , Italy

17. IIS Polo tecnico di Adria , Via Dante 17, 45011 Adria , Ro , Italy

18. Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche , Università degli Studi di Padova , Via Marzolo 1, 35131 Padova , Italy

19. Scuola di Scienze Università degli Studi di Padova , Via G. Jappelli 1, 35121 Padova , Italy


Abstract Chemical Quest is an innovative trivia game based on the 102 elements of the periodic table from H to No, developed collaboratively by upper secondary school and university teachers with the aim of increasing the interest of young students (age 14–18) in chemistry. As part of the project, a software version of the game was successfully played in 24 classes. ‘Challenging, sometimes difficult, highly instructive, relaxing, captivating, ….’ are some of the positive comments by students and teachers. In addition, Chemical Quest was conceived to be adaptable since the rules can be modified and the cards can be selected to match the educational objective.


Piano Nazionale Lauree Scientifiche


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Education,Chemistry (miscellaneous)

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5. Cestaro, M., De Togni, A., Giuffreda, L., Romualdi, R., Bortoli, M., Dalla Tiezza, M., Muraro, C., Parolin, G., Tubaro, C., & Orian, L. (2019). Chemical Quest: General knowledge and popular culture quizzes about the elements in a board game for the class. In Paper presented at the Mendeleev150 4th International Conference on the Periodic Table endorsed by IUPAC.







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