Thermal and electrical properties of photovoltaic cell with linear phenomenological heat transfer law


Li Jun12,Chen Lingen345


1. School of Naval Architecture and Navigation , Wuhan Technical College of Communication , Wuhan 430065 , P.R. China

2. Artificial Intelligence School , Wuchang University of Technology , Wuhan 430223 , P.R. China

3. Institute of Thermal Science and Power Engineering , Wuhan Institute of Technology , Wuhan 430205 , P.R. China

4. Hubei Provincial Engineering Technology Research Center of Green Chemical Equipment , Wuhan 430205 , P.R. China

5. School of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering , Wuhan Institute of Technology , Wuhan 430205 , P.R. China


Abstract The thermal and electrical properties of photovoltaic cell (PVC) under linear phenomenological heat transfer law between it and the environment is studied through finite time thermodynamics and the volt-ampere characteristic equation. The properties of PVC are affected by heat transfer between PVC and environment. There are optimal solar radiation intensity and PVC output voltage (OV), which make the photoelectric conversion efficiency (PECE) of PVC reach the highest value. When OV and solar radiation intensity are 28.50 V and 700 W/m2, the maximum PECE is 0.156. There is also the best solar radiation intensity, which makes the open-circuit voltage (OCV) reach the maximum. When solar radiant intensity is 669 W/m2, the maximum OCV is 33.14 V. The values of power output and short-circuit current (SCC) are monotonically increasing with solar radiation intensity. Given solar radiation intensity, the power output and OV exhibit a parabolic shape. The operating temperature falls first and then grows with the OV. However, the change of operating temperature with OV is not much. Band gap is a decreasing function of operating temperature. This article can give theoretical support for the design and use of PVCs.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


General Physics and Astronomy,General Chemistry







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