Variations on the models of Carnot irreversible thermomechanical engine


Feidt Michel1,Costea Monica2


1. CNRS , 137665 LEMTA, University of Lorraine , 54000 Nancy , France

2. Department of Engineering Thermodynamics , National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest , 060042 Bucharest , Romania


Abstract The JETC Conference held in Salerno (June 12–17, 2023) was the opportunity to honor the two centuries anniversary of the booklet publication of Sadi Carnot. The paper reports on a selective review summarizing the evolution of the ideas and concepts proposed by Carnot. We consider mainly: a. The Carnot cycle relative to thermomechanical engine, b. The concept of efficiency (Carnot efficiency), c. The forms of energy (thermal energy or heat, Q, and mechanical energy or work, W), d. The concept of entropy, rediscovered and completed by Clausius. We show the importance of the energy conversion irreversibilities that started to be considered more recently by two methods, namely, the ratio method and the entropy production method. The second approach provides more significant results from a global point of view, also with more local modeling (cycle process modeling). Some examples are given that illustrate the proposal: Carnot cycle in endo-irreversible or exo-reversible configuration, Chambadal modeling, Curzon–Ahlborn modeling. More generally, the modeling is done in the frame of FTT (Finite Time Thermodynamics), FST (Finite Speed Thermodynamics), or FDOT (Finite physical Dimensions Optimal Thermodynamics). Preliminary conclusions and perspectives are proposed.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

Reference28 articles.

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