Pupils’ Questions in Dialogic Teaching from the Perspective of Pedagogical Research


Lukášová Hana1,Pavelková Marie1


1. Tomas Bata University in Zlín , Faculty of Humanities, Zlín, Czech Republic


Abstract Introduction: In our conditions and in the world, there is a tradition of the sequence of sequential communication exchanges in the interaction of a teacher and pupils, which was examined in the analysis of the processes and structures in educational communication. This tradition can be continued from the perspective of research at the 1st stage of elementary school education. Purpose: The aim of the study is to present the findings of a research on the issues of pupils’ questions. The research question is whether the existing results of educational research on the educational interaction and teacher-student communication in the educational process at the first stage of elementary schools also capture the characteristics of pupils’ questions. We will investigate the perception of dialogic teaching and pupils’ question in educational research. The sequence of sequential communication exchanges in the interaction between teachers and pupils, which was examined in the analysis of the processes and structures of educational communication, has in our country and in the world a tradition which can be followed in terms of research on teaching at the first stage of primary schools. One of the aspects of research on the interaction and communication in the classroom are the views of teachers who are discovering what a learner knows, and what he/she thinks about the communicated content and curriculum. But we are mainly interested in the results of educational research from the perspective of the pupil and his/her questions in the classroom. Methods: In our research, our intention was to analyse pupils’ questions which are to supplement their knowledge, or to find out more information that would help them deal with learning tasks. We were interested in previous investigations and were seeking for clarification whether the pupils’ questions are inconsistent, which would reveal misconceptions and wrong ideas in the understanding of the teaching content. Conclusions: The most frequently, pupils’ answer to the teacher’s questions were detected. The conclusions show the current results of pedagogical research in the context of dialogic teaching, they do not capture the characteristics of pupils’ questions in teaching at the 1st grade of elementary schools.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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