Datengetriebene Produktion durch Digitale Plattformen


Giese Tim1,Hock Fabian2,Meldt Leonie2,Herrmann Julian2,Wünschel Willi2,Metternich Joachim2,Anderl Reiner1,Schleich Benjamin1


1. Product Life Cycle Management (PLCM), TU Darmstadt ; Otto-Berndt-Straße 2 , Darmstadt ; Germany

2. PTW, Technische Universität Darmstadt Darmstadt Germany


Abstract Due to the constant advance of digitalization, ever-increasing amounts of data are being generated. Making decisions based on detailed data analysis promises great potential. Digital platforms play a key role, as their use allows data to be collected, analyzed and used for efficient production in real time. This article will therefore first describe digital ecosystems and digital platforms in more detail and then illustrate their application for data-driven production using an application example. The use of digital platforms represents a significant step forward in creating flexible production networks and helps companies to remain competitive.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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