Accuracy Investigation of Creating Orthophotomaps Based on Images Obtained by Applying Trimble-UX5 UAV


Hlotov Volodymyr1,Hunina Alla1,Siejka Zbigniew2


1. Department of Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics, National University Lviv Polytechnic, Institute of Geodesy, Karpinski St. 6, 79013 Lviv , Ukraine

2. Department of Geodesy, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Balicka St. 253a, 30-198 Krakow , Poland


Abstract The main purpose of this work is to confirm the possibility of making largescale orthophotomaps applying unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) Trimble- UX5. A planned altitude reference of the studying territory was carried out before to the aerial surveying. The studying territory has been marked with distinctive checkpoints in the form of triangles (0.5 × 0.5 × 0.2 m). The checkpoints used to precise the accuracy of orthophotomap have been marked with similar triangles. To determine marked reference point coordinates and check-points method of GNSS in real-time kinematics (RTK) measuring has been applied. Projecting of aerial surveying has been done with the help of installed Trimble Access Aerial Imaging, having been used to run out the UX5. Aerial survey out of the Trimble UX5 UAV has been done with the help of the digital camera SONY NEX-5R from 200m and 300 m altitude. These aerial surveying data have been calculated applying special photogrammetric software Pix 4D. The orthophotomap of the surveying objects has been made with its help. To determine the precise accuracy of the got results of aerial surveying the checkpoint coordinates according to the orthophotomap have been set. The average square error has been calculated according to the set coordinates applying GNSS measurements. A-priori accuracy estimation of spatial coordinates of the studying territory using the aerial surveying data have been calculated: mx=0.11 m, my=0.15 m, mz=0.23 m in the village of Remeniv and mx=0.26 m, my=0.38 m, mz=0.43 m in the town of Vynnyky. The accuracy of determining checkpoint coordinates has been investigated using images obtained out of UAV and the average square error of the reference points. Based on comparative analysis of the got results of the accuracy estimation of the made orthophotomap it can be concluded that the value the average square error does not exceed a-priori accuracy estimation. The possibility of applying Trimble UX5 UAV for making large-scale orthophotomaps has been investigated. The aerial surveying output data using UAV can be applied for monitoring potentially dangerous for people objects, the state border controlling, checking out the plots of settlements. Thus, it is important to control the accuracy the got results. Having based on the done analysis and experimental researches it can be concluded that applying UAV gives the possibility to find data more efficiently in comparison with the land surveying methods. As the result, the Trimble UX5 UAV gives the possibility to survey built-up territories with the required accuracy for making orthophotomaps with the following scales 1: 2000, 1: 1000, 1: 500.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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