Systems for electronic voting (e-voting
systems), including systems for voting over the Internet and systems
for voting in a voting booth, have been employed in many
countries. However, most of the systems used in practice today do
not provide a sufficient level of security. For example, programming
errors and malicious behavior resulting in the loss of votes and
incorrect election outcomes easily go undetected. In fact, numerous
problems with e-voting systems have been reported in various
countries. Therefore, in recent years modern e-voting systems have
been designed that, among others, allow voters to check that their
votes were counted correctly, even if voting machines and servers
have programming errors or are outright malicious.
In this paper, after a brief discussion of the problems
of today's e-voting systems, we explain fundamental security
properties modern e-voting systems should provide, including the
above mentioned so-called verifiability property, and present
a simple e-voting system to illustrate some of these properties. One
important goal of our work is to provide security guarantees of such
systems not only for abstract mathematical/cryptographic models of
the systems but for the implementation of the systems directly. This
requires us to combine various techniques and tools from
security/cryptography, program analysis, and verification.
Cited by
1 articles.
1. Fingerprint and Face Authentication Portable Digital Electronic Voting Machine;2023 6th International Conference on Electronics and Electrical Engineering Technology (EEET);2023-12-01