1. Ghent University, Dept. of Telecommunications and Information Processing, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium
2. Ghent University, Dept. of History, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 35, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium
Information management systems aimed at fully exploiting imperfect temporal data require
advanced data modelling and data querying facilities. In this paper, we study how novel
computational intelligence techniques can help to develop such facilities. More
specifically, we describe how possibility theory can be used to model and handle the
uncertainty that is inherent to vague, linguistic time specifications in a mathematically
sound way. These mathematical time representations can then be stored in a database and
advanced query evaluation techniques, for adequately coping with the represented
uncertainty, can be used. Medieval charters are a typical example of documents on which
related temporal information is often imperfect. To show the applicability of our
technology, we illustrate how the development of the Diplomata Belgica database, a database
describing medieval charters, can benefit from this novel technology. The added-value of the
technology for future research in the humanities, in our case medieval history, is
demonstrated by means of several illustrative query examples.