Mechanical and metallurgical properties of a glass fiber-reinforced Al7075 hybrid composite produced by infiltration and after aging and abrasion


Kaner Sidem1


1. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering , 52990 Pamukkale University , Denizli , Türkiye


Abstract Within the scope of this study, composite structures were produced by reinforcing Al7075 with 6 mm size glass fiber (GF) scrap at different weight rates (2–3 %) using the infiltration method. Mechanical and metallurgical examination of unreinforced Al7075 samples and reinforced Al7075 composite samples were carried out. After the aging heat treatment of the samples, pin-on-disc wear and hardness tests were performed. FESEM and EDS analyses were conducted to examine the hardness and microstructural changes caused by the applied processes on the samples. It was observed that GF reinforcement increased the hardness of the material and there was full wettability between Al 7075 and GF. Thus, wear resistance increased. The highest hardness and wear resistance were obtained in the 6 h aged 2 wt.% GF-reinforced Al 7075 matrix hybrid composite sample. In addition, it was observed that the distribution of GF scrap added as reinforcement at a rate of 2 wt.% in Al 7075 was homogeneous, and the hardness measurements taken from different areas were similar.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH







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