1. Cooper, James. 1915. Our twofold need in the present war: a sermon, preached in S. Andrew’s Parish Church, Glasgow, on Sunday, 3rd January, 1915, being the day appointed by authority for humble prayer and intercession […]: together with the form and order of divine service prepared by direction of the commission of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, and issued by the committee on aids to devotion, by the Reverend James Cooper, DD, DCL, Litt. D., Regius Professor of Ecclesiastical History in the University of Glasgow. Glasgow: James MacLehose & Sons.
2. Cooper, James. 1915. The Soldiers of the Bible. London: A. & C. Black.
3. MacLean, Norman. 1915. Service of Prayer in Time of War. Glasgow: James MacLehose & Sons.
4. Order of service and address given by the Right Rev. Professor James Cooper … at the unveiling and dedication in Hillhead Parish Church, on 29th December, 1917, of a stained glass window in memory of Second Lieutenant William George Teacher, 15th (Service) Battalion, Highland Light Infantry. Also, sermon “Triumph through sacrifice” by the Rev. Walter R. Lacey, M.A., Hillhead Parish Church, 30th December, 1917. Glasgow: James MacLehose & Sons 1918.
5. Brown, Stewart J. 1994. “‘A Solemn Purification by Fire’: Responses to the Great War in the Scottish Presbyterian Churches, 1914–19.” Journal of Ecclesiastical History 45: 82–104.