Kommunikative und expressive Formeln des Deutschen in Internettexten: ein diskursorientierter Ansatz


Hordii Oksana1


1. National Technical University of Oil and Gas , Iwano-Frankiwsk , Ukraine


Abstract This paper deals with the functioning of expressive and communicative formulas of modern German in computer-mediated discourse. The set phrases analysed are pre-formed sentence-value word combinations that serve as a means of expression of various speech intentions and emotions. These linguistic units are known to evade a uniform classification scheme, with boundaries between different groups being indistinct. The set phrases considered in this work are viewed as a functional-semantic field which includes communicative and expressive formulas and some mixed types. By discussing their cultural specificity – provided by units containing symbolic components, as well as by entities in various areas of national life, and fixed phrases of obscure literary origin – I attempt to explore their intertextual potential for further contribution to studies in intercultural communication. Expressivity, intertextuality, multimedia impact and interactivity have been defined as constitutive characteristics of computer-mediated discourse. The units discussed keep the tone of asynchronous online communication humorous and help to establish communicative closeness. In online media, the language game comes to the fore: a common phenomenon is semantic transformation often performed as simultaneous actualisation (ambiguity) of literal and idiomatic meaning, causing additional communicative effects. In combination with the informative part of a headline, these units act as emotional and evaluative indicators of media texts. Due to its technological features, internet communication allows easy combination of visual and verbal channels of information, and so there is frequent play between language images and digital images, especially in photo and video hosting services. My analysis of different online genres has shown that in internet communication, the core of the functional-semantic field (i.e. the most frequently used units) acquires added discursive value. The universal nature of their creative use, appeal, entertainment and community-building functions was also ascertained.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Linguistics and Language,Communication,Language and Linguistics

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