New Drugs - From Necessity to Delivery


Kedzierska Ewa1,Dabkowska Lila1,Krzanowski Tomasz2,Gibula Ewa1,Orzelska-Gorka Jolanta1,Wujec Monika2


1. Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Medical University of Lublin, Chodzki, Lublin , Poland

2. Department of Organic Chemistry, Medical University of Lublin, Chodzki, Lublin , Poland


Abstract How to get a new drug to market? How much time does it take to go from the idea to implementation? In this study we followed the path drugs take from synthesis to introduction to the market. In doing so, articles in the PubMed and the Google Scholar database have been analyzed using the keywords: drug development, drug design, lead compound, preclinical trials, clinical trials. The available literature was subjectively selected due to its usefulness in the topic. Based on the obtained articles, we presented the stages that a would-be drug takes on the way from the idea to marketing. Herein, it is underlined that the process of creating new drugs is long, extremely labor-intensive, and involves many restrictions in the context of the use of animals, as well as humans


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Pharmacology,Molecular Biology,General Medicine,Biochemistry

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