Vibration Equation of Fractional Order Describing Viscoelasticity and Viscous Inertia


Duan Jun-Sheng1,Xu Yun-Yun1


1. School of Sciences, Shanghai Institute of Technology , Shanghai 201418 , China


Abstract The steady state response of a fractional order vibration system subject to harmonic excitation was studied by using the fractional derivative operator D t β , ${}_{-\infty} D_t^\beta,$ where the order β is a real number satisfying 0 ≤ β ≤ 2. We derived that the fractional derivative contributes to the viscoelasticity if 0 < β < 1, while it contributes to the viscous inertia if 1 < β < 2. Thus the fractional derivative can represent the “spring-pot” element and also the “inerterpot” element proposed in the present article. The viscosity contribution coefficient, elasticity contribution coefficient, inertia contribution coefficient, amplitude-frequency relation, phase-frequency relation, and influence of the order are discussed in detail. The results show that fractional derivatives are applicable for characterizing the viscoelasticity and viscous inertia of materials.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


General Physics and Astronomy

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