Selected extreme weather events on the Polish coast of the Baltic Sea in the period 2001-2014


Filipiak Janusz1,Malinowska Mirosława


1. Department of Meteorology and Climatology, Institute of Geography , University of Gdańsk , ul. Bażyńskiego 4 , Gdańsk , Poland


Abstract The article examines the spatial and temporal variability in selected extreme meteorological phenomena on the Polish coast of the Baltic Sea. Data from the 2001-2014 period related to a few meteorological and oceanographic elements were used to calculate indices of extreme weather events. The amount of intensive and widespread precipitation events in the 21st century corresponds well with the long-term means and is stable over a long period. The number of 50-60 frost days recorded per year has been systematically decreasing for several decades. Only a few deep cyclones occur per year and year-to-year variations of their number and magnitude corresponds to the overall long-term insignificant changes in the cyclone activity in the North Atlantic and the European region. The mean annual number of days with strong winds reaches nearly 8 cases per year. About 6 storm surges per year are recorded and this value has been slowly increasing in the long-term perspective. The rare occurrence of sea ice in 2001-2014 is a continuation of the reduction in the phenomenon observed in the 20th century. The passage of deep cyclones resulting in strong winds, storm surges and waves constitutes the most dangerous hazard to the coast.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH



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