The Blum-Hanson Property


Grivaux Sophie1


1. CNRS, Univ. Lille, UMR 8524 - Laboratoire Paul Painlevé, F-59000Lille, France


AbstractGiven a (real or complex, separable) Banach space, and a contraction T on X, we say that T has the Blum-Hanson property if whenever x, yX are such that Tnx tends weakly to y in X as n tends to infinity, the means{1 \over N}\sum\limits_{k = 1}^N {{T^{{n_k}}}x} tend to y in norm for every strictly increasing sequence (nk) k≥1 of integers. The space X itself has the Blum-Hanson property if every contraction on X has the Blum-Hanson property. We explain the ergodic-theoretic motivation for the Blum-Hanson property, prove that Hilbert spaces have the Blum-Hanson property, and then present a recent criterion of a geometric flavor, due to Lefèvre-Matheron-Primot, which allows to retrieve essentially all the known examples of spaces with the Blum-Hanson property. Lastly, following Lefèvre-Matheron, we characterize the compact metric spaces K such that the space C(K) has the Blum-Hanson property.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Applied Mathematics,Analysis

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