The influence of multimodal textualization in the conversion of semiotic representations in Italian primary school geometry textbooks


Canducci Michele123ORCID,Rocci Andrea3ORCID,Sbaragli Silvia1ORCID


1. Department of Education and Learning , University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland , Locarno , TI , Switzerland

2. Faculty of Communication , Culture and Society , Università della Svizzera italiana , Lugano , TI , Switzerland

3. Institute of Argumentation , Linguistics and Semiotics, Faculty of Communication , Culture and Society Università della Svizzera italiana , Lugano , TI , Switzerland


Abstract Starting from the corpus of the Swiss National Science Foundation (FNS) project Italmatica. Understanding Mathematics at school, between common language and specialized language (Italmatica. Comprendere la matematica a scuola, fra lingua comune e linguaggio specialistico), an analysis of some examples taken from geometry textbooks used in the Italian primary school is presented. The analysis is based on the application of two intertwined theoretical frameworks: Duval’s semio-cognitive approach, which addresses problems related to mathematics education, and a linguistic approach to multimodal discourse analysis inspired by Bateman. The analysis shows how certain semiotic resources used as rhetorical devices for paraphrastic reformulation (restatement) can support or hinder the semiotic conversion of representations associated with two different semiotic registers (figural and natural language) in print documents with a strong multimodality component.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


General Medicine

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