1. Dr. Buttigieg is the Chief Officer responsible for Supervision at the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA), a member of the Board of Supervisors of the European Banking Authority and European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), was the Chair of the ESMA Data Standing Committee (until December 2022) and is currently the Chair of the ESMA Proportionality and Coordination Committee. He is an Associate Professor in the Banking and Finance Department of the University of Malta and has a PhD in Law Stud
2. Mr. Lothar Witzel is practicing as a Rechtsanwalt (attorney) admitted to the bar in Berlin and a research associate at the University of Marburg . He studied law in Frankfurt (Oder) and Berlin (First State Examination 2015), followed by his legal clerkship at the Landgericht Cottbus (Second State Examination 2018). He then completed a LL.M. at the University of Malta (2020) and is currently writing his PhD thesis under Prof. Sebastian Omlor, Marburg . Germany
3. Ms. Beatriz Brunelli Zimmermann is an Analyst in the MFSA’s Supervisory ICT Risk and Cybersecurity Function. She is an University of Malta graduate and has obtained a first-class degree in International Relations. Malta