Eschweiler Jörg,Stromps Jan Philipp,Rath Björn,Pallua Norbert,Radermacher Klaus
The analysis of the three-dimensional motion of wrist joint components in the physiological and injured wrist is of high clinical interest. Therefore, the purpose of this in vitro study was to compare the motion of scaphoid, lunate and triquetrum during physiological wrist motion in flexion and extension, and in radial- and ulnar-deviation, with those motion patterns after complete resection of the scapho-lunate-ligament. Eight fresh frozen cadaver wrists were carefully thawed and prepared for the investigation with an electromagnetic tracking system by implantation of measurement coils with 6 degrees of freedom. Electromagnetic tracking enabled the motion analysis of the scaphoid, lunate, and triquetrum bones with respect to the fixed radius in three planes of passive motion. After scapho-lunate-ligament injury changes in the translational and rotational motion pattern especially of the scaphoid bone occurred in dorsal-volar directions during flexion and extension, radial- and ulnar-deviation, and during rotation around the radio-ulnar- and longitudinal-axis of the wrist.
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13 articles.