Experimental and numerical investigations on controlled parameter selection methods for kerosene-fueled scramjet


Jiao Guiqian1,Song Wenyan1,Zeng Xianglong1,Fu Qiang2,Tang Wei3,Li Hantao4


1. School of Power and Energy , Northwestern Polytechnical University , Xi’an 710072 , Shaanxi , China

2. School of Aircraft Engineering , Xi’an Aeronautical Institute , Xi’an 710077 , Shaanxi , China

3. School of Automation , Northwestern Polytechnical University , Xi’an 710072 , Shaanxi , China

4. School of Measuring and Optical Engineering , Nanchang Hang Kong University , Nanchang 330063 , China


Abstract In order to determine the optimal wall pressure location as the controlled parameter for kerosene-fueled scramjet, a combined approach of numerical simulation and experimental analysis was employed. The results indicate that with an increase in the equivalence ratio of kerosene, the combustor exhibits consecutive modes, including pure scramjet mode, dual-mode scramjet mode, dual-mode ramjet mode, and pressure disturbance to the isolator inlet mode. The peak pressure ratios corresponding to the mode transition boundaries are 1.95, 3.26, and 3.57, with respective isolator outlet Mach numbers of 1.62, 1.0, and 0.74. The equivalence ratio corresponding to mode transition increases with an increase in the combustor inlet total temperature. Considering the dynamic characteristics of wall pressures at different locations, the position at x/L = 0.46 demonstrates the best linearity, highest sensitivity, and greater stability. Hence, it is the most suitable choice as the controlled parameter for fuel flow in this kerosene-fueled scramjet.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Aerospace Engineering








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