Influence of the p-hydroxyphenyl/guaiacyl ratio on the biphenyl and β-5 contents in compression wood lignins


Hirayama Haruka1,Akiyama Takuya2,Kimura Satoshi13,Nawawi Deded S.4,Syafii Wasrin4,Yokoyama Tomoya1,Matsumoto Yuji1


1. Department of Biomaterial Sciences, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences , The University of Tokyo , Yayoi 1-1-1, Bunkyo-ku , Tokyo 113-8657 , Japan

2. Department of Forest Resource Chemistry , Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute , 1 Matsunosato , Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8687 , Japan

3. Department of Plant and Environmental New Resources, College of Life Sciences , Kyung Hee University , 1732 Deogyeong-daero, Giheung-ku, Yongin-si , Gyeonggi-do 446-701 , Republic of Korea

4. Department of Forest Products, Faculty of Forestry , Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) , Kampus IPB, Darmaga , Bogor 16680 , Indonesia


Abstract Reaction woods of three softwoods, Pinus merkusii, Cryptomeria japonica and Cedrus deodara, were investigated by alkaline nitrobenzene oxidation (NBO) to characterize the condensed-type structures in compression wood lignins. A novel biphenyl-type NBO product carrying guaiacyl (G)- and p-hydroxyphenyl (H)-units, dehydrovanillin-p-hydroxybenzaldehyde (HG-biphenyl product), was identified using the authentic standard compound. On the basis of the yield of this novel NBO product, as well as those of GG-biphenyl-, β-5-, and uncondensed-type products [e.g. dehydrodivanillin, 5-formylvanillin, vanillin and p-hydroxybenzaldehyde], the compression wood lignins contained more HG-type biphenyl and H-type β-5 structures than the opposite wood lignins. The increase in the condensed-type structure content was largely offset by the decreases in the content of GG-biphenyl and G-type β-5 structures. Consequently, the relative yields of biphenyl, β-5 and uncondensed-type NBO products were very similar between the compression wood and the opposite wood, even though the H-unit having no methoxy group on its aromatic ring can be assumed to have a greater probability to form condensed-type structures during lignin biosynthesis than the G-unit.


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