1. Friction on Polished vs. Newly Re-Rocked Oil-and-Chip Roadway Surfaces;SAE international journal of passenger cars – mechanical systems,2016
2. The impact of ABS system on the braking characteristics of the specified motorcycle on the dry road surface;International Automotive Conference (KONMOT 2018). ISSN 1757-8981. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
3. Influence of Emergency Braking on Changes of the Axle Load of Vehicles Transporting Solid Bulk Substrates;Transbaltica 2017: Transportation and technology,2017
4. Maintenance research of a horizontal ribbon mixer;Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc - Maintenance and Reliability,2016
5. Automotive brake pads made with a bioresin matrix;Industrial Crops and Products,2016