Some classes of topological spaces and the space of G-permutation degree


Kočinac Ljubiša D. R.1,Mukhamadiev Farkhod G.2,Sadullaev Anvar K.3


1. Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics , University of Niš , 18000 Niš , Serbia

2. National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek , 100174 Tashkent , Uzbekistan

3. Kimyo International University in Tashkent , 100121 , Tashkent , Uzbekistan


Abstract In this paper, we study the behavior of some classes of topological spaces under the influence of the functor of G-permutation degree 𝖲𝖯 G n {\operatorname{\sf SP}^{n}_{G}} . We prove: (a) if a space X is an r-space, then so is 𝖲𝖯 G n X {\operatorname{\sf SP}_{G}^{n}X} , (b) if X is a cosmic space, then so is 𝖲𝖯 G n X {\operatorname{\sf SP}_{G}^{n}X} , (c) if a space X is a C ( κ ) {C(\kappa)} -cosmic, then so is 𝖲𝖯 G n X {\operatorname{\sf SP}_{G}^{n}X} , (d) if a space X is an α-space, then so is 𝖲𝖯 G n X {\operatorname{\sf SP}_{G}^{n}X} .


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


General Mathematics

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