Expanded R&D by Jet-engine-steering Revolution


Gal-Or Benjamin1


1. Editor-in-Chief, Former head of the Jet-Engine Laboratory & Professor , Technion Israel Institute of Technology , Haifa 3200003 , Israel


Abstract Since 1987 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] the global jet engine community is facing the historical fact that jet engine steering is gradually replacing canards and the common, often dangerous and obsolete, aerodynamic-only flight control – a fact that (i) has already affected the defense-industrial complex in the US, Russia, China, Japan, S-Korea and India, (ii) has integrated the traditional jet-engine components R&D with advanced aero-electro-physics, stealth technology, thrust vectoring aerodynamics and material science. Moreover, this military revolution is historically due to expand into the civil transport jets domain, [6, 7, 8, 9]. The historical aim of the JES-Revolution remains the same: Replace the common, stall-spin sensitive canards [6] and Aerodynamic-Only-Obsolete-Flight Control (“AOOF Control”). Invented about 100 years ago for propeller-driven air vehicles, it has already been partially replaced for failure to function in WVR-combat post-stall domain, and for the following reasons: In comparison with complete Tail-Less, Canard-Less, Stealth-JES (Figure 5 and References [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]), the common AOOF Control increases drag, weight, fuel consumption, complexity, cost, and reduces flight safety, stealth, [Low Detectability] and provides zero post-stall, WVR air combat capability while its CANARDS KILL LD & REDUCE JES. Examples of stealth fighter aircraft that have already replaced canards and AOOF-Control where JES provides at least 64 to 0 KILL-RATIO advantage over AOOF-Controlled conventional fighter aircraft: The U.S. JES F-22 and, apparently, the Russian JES-Su-T-50 & 35S, China 2016-J-31, Indian HAL AMCA & FGFA, Japanese JES IHHI ATD-X, S-Korean JES KF-X. Cf. X-44 in Figure 5. Consequently, the jet engine is no longer defined as providing only brute force forward. Instead, it successfully competes with and wins over the wrong, dominating AOOF-Control, at least as a backup flight control whose sole factual domain is currently a well-established, primary flight controller RE any post-stall, super-agility, [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9].


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Aerospace Engineering

Reference9 articles.

1. U.S. AIR FORCE & NATO, RTO-EN-12, 2000–2001 REVIEW published in Germany, U.S., UK and JAPAN: “Benjamin Gal-Or & Wolfgang Herbst have influenced the direction of fighter aircraft design.”

2. Gal-Or, B. “Vectored Propulsion, Supermaneuverability and Robot Aircraft”, Springer Verlag, N.Y. and Heidelberg, 1989–1990. ISBN 0387-97161-0, 3-540-87161-0, TL685.3.G23 1989, 629.I34ʹ353-de20, 89-21797. Copyrights Holder: Benjamin Gal-Or from 1990 to the present. 237 references. 182 drawings most on prior art. Defined “LANDMARK BOOK by the United States Air Force Chief Scientist Dr. Richey”, in its book FOREWORD; It is to be updated soon via a new ONLINE EDITION.

3. On June 24, 1986 BOEING’s President extended formally written invitation to import-contract the state-protected JES-STEALTH PROTOTYPES defined by [4]. The contract was signed on August 25, 1986 in Kansas, at Boeing’s Military Facilities. A Classified. 7-Page Import-Contract was immediately shared with The United States Government and Boeing’s Third parties, Lockheed, Pratt and Whitney, ETC. FOR immediate adaptation of the so imported JES-STEALTH design trade secrets [4, 5] and flight testing these trade secrets and computer programs, thus allowing Boeing and its Third Parties to win the $67 billion ATF program, later known as the F-22 Raptor program.

4. Gal-Or, B., Classified. Private IP owner. State Protected. Nominal Collective Title: “Un-piloted aircraft or a stealth cruise missile”, IPA 78402, Filed on April 2, 1986 in Jerusalem. State-ordered to be split into additional derivatives: Derivative-I Title: “Control system for jet-propelled air vehicles and spacecraft” IPA 80532; November 7, 1986, December 20, 1993, Derivative-II Title: “unmanned aircraft or cruise missile with minimal thermal signature” IPA106,145, June 25, 1993; December 20, 1993; Derivative-III Title: “Vectored air inlet for stealth drone or cruise missile” IPA106,165; June 29, 1993, December 20, 1993.








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