1. “Bijutsukai shōsoku” 美術界消息 News from the Art World (1915): Chūō bijutsu 1.2: 131–133.
2. “Kao ni inu wo kaite koufuku na nihon wo arukitai miraiha no chichi to kisai to futari nyukyoushite tenrankai wo hiraku” 顔に犬を描いて幸福な日本を歩きたい『未来派の父』と『奇才』と二人入京して展覧会を開く ‘Father of Futurism’ and ‘Genius’ entered Tōkyō to hold an Exhibition, wants to walk through happy Japan with a dog painted in his face (October 4th, 1920): Tōkyō Nichinichi Shimbun, 7.
3. “Roshia no geijutsu wo bakuroshita miraiha no ga” ロシアの現実を暴露した未来派の画 Futuristic painting that exposed the reality of Russia (October 18th, 1920): Miyako Shimbun, 1.
4. “Tōkyō de miraiha tenrankai. Jyōkyōshita Burikku, Parimofu ryōshi” 東京で未来派展覧会。上京したブリュック。パリモフ両氏 Futurist exhibition in Tokyo. Burliuk and Palmov came to Tokyo. (October 4th, 1920): Ōsaka Mainichi Shimbun, 2.
5. “Varija Bubunoba joshi no hanga” ワリヤ・ブブノブ女史の版画 Print by Varvara Bubnova (September 6th 1922): Tōkyō Asahi Shimbun, 5.