1. Aus dem Hygiene-Institut der Universität Freiburg i. Br.
A highly sensitive in-vitro technique for determination of homologous type-specific antibodies against polioviruses is described. 32P-labelled poliovirus type 1. strain Mahoney, purified by a three-step-procedure (15 000 rpm, aluminiumhydroxide. Ecteolacellulose) is mixed with homologous type-specific antiserum. After incubation the mixtures are adsorbed to aluminium hydroxide. Virus-antibody-com-plexes are more firmly bound to this adsorbent than virus without antibody: the distinguishing parameter is the concentration of divalent phosphate in the adsorption or the elution fluid. The firmness of binding of virus-antibody-complexes to aluminium hydroxide is further a function of the dilution of antiserum. This leads to a suitable end-point for reading antiserum titers. There is a good correlation between titers determined by this method and titers, determined by common neutralization tests. The method may be used to judge the virus-specifity of radioactivity after purification of 32P-labelled poliovirus.
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14 articles.