Zum 2. Korintherbrief: Drei wichtige Parallelen zur Qumrangemeinde (Gemeinde Gottes, neuer Bund und Neuschöpfung)
Kuhn Heinz-Wolfgang
In the Second Epistle to the Corinthians Paul uses three concepts, which have very close parallels in contemporary non-Christian texts only in the writings of the Qumran community (“the community of God”, “new covenant” and the idea of new creation already in the present). Since the concept of new creation in the so-called Community Songs of 1QHa is under discussion, a thorough interpretation is of great importance, esp. of 1QHa XI 22. The “new covenant” in Paul’s letters is more than the “renewed covenant” of the Qumran community. The background of ἐκκλησία τοῦ θεοῦ is Jewish even though Hellenistic-Roman associations and political assemblies have to be discussed concerning ἐκκλησία. There is no direct acquaintance of Paul with texts of the Qumran community. The relevance of these texts for understanding Paul is found in several respects.
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Religious studies,History