On the History of Water as a Human Right and Its Recognition in the Cuban Constitution


Yera Beatriz L.12ORCID,Triana Yanelys D.1ORCID


1. Law Department , Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas , Santa Clara , Cuba

2. Private and Economic Law Centre , Vrije Universiteit Brussel , Brussel , Belgium


Abstract To say that water is one of the most important natural elements for life would be unnecessary. In fact, because of its incalculable value, it is recognised as blue gold. Unfortunately, it is sometimes forgotten that its protection is one of the main challenges facing society today. The scarcity of the vital liquid is becoming increasingly noticeable due to climate change, population growth and careless management by humans. On closer examination it can be appreciated as a natural element, a chemical element, an economic good, a cultural good, among other denominations because it is so versatile, but above all, it is a human right. Although the latter is not something that has always been established in this way, it took many years for it to be officially recognised. In this research, a historical, doctrinal and comparative study is carried out on the regulation of water as a human right, with special reference to its treatment in Cuban constitutionalism. In order to carry out this study, an analysis is made based on the role played by water in the development of humanity, its recognition as a human right and its inclusion in Cuba’s constitutional history. Theoretical-legal, historical-legal, analytical-legal and document analysis research methods were used for this purpose.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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