How to Qualify the Debate on the Public Library by the Use of Research-Developed Tools


Jochumsen Henrik1


1. Lektor, Associate Professor, Institut for Informationsstudier/Department of Information Studies, Københavns Universitet/University of Copenhagen, South Campus, build. 4, Njalsgade 76, DK-2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark Institut for Informationsstudier Department of Information Studies Københavns Universitet/University of Copenhagen, South Campus, build. 4, Njalsgade 76 DK-2300 Copenhagen S Denmark


Abstract The article discusses how it is possible to qualify the debate on public libraries by the use of research based models and concepts and hereby maybe even change the crisis discourse that according to the author characterizes the public debate on current library development. Key-elements are the four-space model, the three-function model and the concept of “New Librarianship”.


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Reference14 articles.

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2. Lernwelten für Bibliotheken – Dimensionen der Zukunftsgestaltung;Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis;2019-04-03







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