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2. 2. Rokosz K., Lahtinen J., Hryniewicz T., Rzadkiewicz S.: XPS depth profiling analysis of passive surface layers formed on austenitic AISI 304L and AISI 316L SS after high-current-density electropolishing. Surface and Coatings Technology 276 (2015), 516-520.
3. 3. Rokosz K., Hryniewicz T., Raaen S.: Cr/Fe ratio by XPS spectra of magnetoelectropolished AISI 316L SS fitted by Gaussian-Lorentzian shape lines. Tehnicki Vjesnik-Technical Gazette 21(3) (2014), 533-538.
4. 4. Hryniewicz T., Rokosz K., Rokicki R., Prima F.: Nanoindentation and XPS Studies of Titanium TNZ Alloy after Electrochemical Polishing in a Magnetic Field. Materials. 8 (2015), 205-215.
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