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2. Baynham, Mike. 1995. Literacy practices. Harlow, Essex: Longman.
3. Baynham, Mike. 2003. Narratives in time and space: Beyond backdrop accounts of narrative orientation. Narrative Inquiry 13(2). 347–366.
4. Baynham, Mike. 2009. ‘Just one day like today’: Scale and the analysis of space/time orientation in narratives of displacement. In James Collins, Stef Slembrouck & Mike Baynham (eds.), Globalization and language in contact: Scale, migration and communicative practices, 130–147. London: Continuum.
5. Baynham, Mike. 2015. Identity: Brought about or brought along? Narrative as a privileged site for researching intercultural identities. In Fred Dervin & Karen Risager (eds.), Researching identity and interculturality, 67–85. New York: Routledge.