1. Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology National Veterinary Research Institute, 24-100 Pulawy , Poland
Introduction: The main problem in determination of chloramphenicol in food of animal origin is a large number of matrices. The main target of this study was to create a method for determination and confirmation of chloramphenicol in products and food of animal origin. Material and Methods: Each 5 g matrix sample was mixed with 5 mL of water and 10 mL of acetonitrile/ethyl acetate, homogenised, and centrifuged. The organic layer was evaporated and redissolved in 6 mL of 4% NaCl. The extract was cleaned up by SPE technique. Chloramphenicol was analysed by LC-MS/MS in electrospray mode. Results: The procedure was validated according to the Commission Decision No. 2002/657/EC. The apparent recoveries were in the range of 92.1% to 107.1% with a repeatability less than 11.0% (4.4%-11.0%) and within-laboratory reproducibility below 13.6% (4.7%-13.6%). Conclusion: The method was successfully validated and proved to be efficient, precise, and useful for quantification of chloramphenicol in more than 20 different matrices.
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8 articles.