Divided National Identity in Moldova


Baar Vladimír1,Jakubek Daniel1


1. University of Ostrava , Faculty of Sience, Department of Human Geography and Regional Development , 30. dubna 22, 701 03 Ostrava Czech Republic


Abstract This paper discusses the competing processes between Moldovan and Romanian identities for the creation of a national identity in the Republic of Moldova. The issue of a common national identity for the people of the Republic of Moldova has been a problem since the beginning of this state’s independence. Throughout the 25 years of independence, different concepts of a Moldovan nation have competed in public, scientific, and political discourse. As a result of the historical context, the region has a linguistic specificity, which is based on the example of the Romanians, Moldovans, and Russians living in this region. Through archival research, field research, and interviews with Moldovan intellectuals and officials, this study recognizes the need for a national identity in the creation of unity and a sense of nationalism for Moldovan citizens.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Linguistics and Language,Sociology and Political Science,History,Cultural Studies

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