1. Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineering Department, Faculty of Electronic Engineering , Menoufia University , Menouf , 32951 , Egypt
2. Department of ECE , Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation , Vaddeswaram , Andhra Pradesh , 522302 , India
3. Physics Department , Islamic University of Gaza , P.O. Box 108 , Gaza , Palestine
4. Department of Information and Communication Technology , Marwadi University , Rajkot , India
5. Department of Smart Robot Convergence and Application Engineering , Pukyong National University , Busan , 48513 , Korea
6. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering , University of Waterloo , Waterloo , ON N2L 3G1 , Canada
7. Department of Computer Science and Engineering , Rangamati Science and Technology University , Rangamati , Bangladesh
8. Department of Computer Science and Engineering , Daffodil International University , Dhaka , Bangladesh
9. Computer Science and Engineering Department , SRM University , Guntur , Andhra Pradesh , India
10. Electronics and Communication Engineering Department , Marwadi University , Rajkot , Gujarat , India
11. Tom Mboya University College , P.O. Box 199-40300 , Homabay , Kenya
12. Electronics and Communication Engineering Discipline , Khulna University , Khulna , 9208 , Bangladesh