At Roncevaux without Roland: Giovanni Codagnello’s Gesta Carli Francorum regis (1219–1222)


Galbiati Roberto1


1. Freie Universität Berlin , Italienzentrum , Habelschwerdter Allee 45 , Berlin Germany


Abstract Giovanni Codagnello, a notary from Piacenza (c.1154–c.1234), wrote in his Liber rerum gestarum (1219–1222) a very personal re-elaboration of the defeat at Roncevaux, which he entitled Gesta Carli Francorum regis. Codagnello’s account is one of the oldest witnesses to the circulation in Italy of the legend of Roncevaux, but it has so far escaped the notice of scholars who have studied the Roland tradition in Italy. This article examines which version of the legend Codagnello knew. According to the author, he was familiar with a rhymed redaction of the Chanson de Roland. If this is the case, then it means that an exemplar of the Roland rimé was already circulating in northern Italy at the beginning of the thirteenth century.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Literature and Literary Theory,Linguistics and Language,Language and Linguistics

Reference24 articles.

1. Arnaldi, Girolamo, Giovanni Codagnello, in: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani 26 (1982), available online at (last access on 15.04.2020).

2. Beckmann, Gustav Adolf, Onomastik des Rolandsliedes. Namen als Schlüssel zu Strukturen, Welthaltigkeit und Vorgeschichte des Liedes, Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter, 2017.

3. Beretta, Carlo, La “Prise de Narbonne” nel cod. V4 della Chanson de Roland, in: Holtus, Günter/Krauss, Henning/Wunderli, Peter (edd.), Testi, cotesti e contesti del franco-italiano. Atti del 1° simposio franco-italiano (Bad Homburg, 13–16 aprile 1987). In memoriam Alberto Limentani, Tübingen, Niemeyer, 1989, 131–142.

4. Beretta, Carlo (ed.), Il testo assonanzato franco-italiano della “Chanson de Roland”: cod. Marciano fr. IV (= 225), Pavia, Università di Pavia, 1995.

5. Beretta, Carlo, Studio sui rapporti fra i manoscritti rimati della “Chanson de Roland”, Premessa di Cesare Segre, Potenza, Università degli Studi della Basilicata, 2000.







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