1. A systematic monograph of the recent Pentastomida, with a compilation of their hosts;Zoologische Mededeelingen,2013
2. Comparison of three different DNA extraction methods for Linguatula serrata as a food born pathogen;Iranian Journal of Parasitology,2017
3. Phylogenetic position of Linguatula arctica and Linguatula serrata (Pentastomida) as inferred from the nuclear 18S rRNA gene and the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene;Parasitology Research,2013
4. Infection rates of Linguatula serrata nymphs in mesenteric lymph nodes from water buffaloes in North India;Veterinary Parasitology,2014
5. Occurrence of tongue worm, Linguatula cf. serrata (Pentastomida: Linguatulidae) in wild canids and livestock in south-eastern Australia;International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife,2017