1. Menterstraße 53 , München Germany
In his last work, Relire le relié, Michel Serres develops a philosophy of religion that circumvents the conventional demarcations of reason and faith, knowledge of the world and knowledge of revelation, or agnosticism and apology. In a structuralistically-informed relecture, he exposes the basic traits of religion. With its narratives and theologoumena, it captures and describes being-in-the-world as an event of universal synthesis. It is – in Serres’ diction – about the basic relatio of energy and information, entropy and negentropy, chaos and order. This relié is described neither as an effort or act of a subject, a system, a language community, nor sufficiently as an emergence effect of evolutionary-natural processes. The recording of this synthesis forbids both any dichotomy of an irresolvable hiatus as well as the construction of a unitary space of any kind.
Reference70 articles.
1. Altizer, T. (Hg.) (1982), Deconstruction and Theology, New York
2. Aristoteles (1957), Metaphysica, hg. v. Jäger, W., Oxford [metaph.]
3. Baring, E., u. Gordon, P. E. (Hg.) (2015), The Trace of God – Derrida and Religion, New York
4. Bexte, P. (1995), Leinen los, in: Serres, M., Über Malerei. Vermeer – Latour – Turner, Hamburg, 113–126
5. Bielik-Robson, A. (2021), Faith and Knowledge, Reconsidered: Modern Religion and ‚Time of Life‘, in: Eidos 5, 1–6