Influence of discharge on fish habitat suitability curves in mountain watercourses in IFIM methodology


Macura Viliam1,Štefunková Zuzana Š2,Majorošová Martina1,Halaj Peter3,Škrinár Andrej1


1. Department of Land and Water Resources Management, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Bratislava , Slovakia

2. Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Bratislava , Slovakia

3. Department of Landscape Engineering, Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Nitra , Slovakia


Abstract In this study, the quality of the aquatic habitats of mountain and piedmont streams was evaluated using the ‘Instream Flow Incremental Methodology (IFIM)’ decision-making tool. The quality of habitats was interpreted from the behaviour of bioindicators in the form of habitat suitability curves (HSCs). From 1995 until the present, 59 different reaches of 43 mountain streams in Slovakia and 3 validation reaches were evaluated, and the results analysed. The aim of this study was to generalize the parameters of the HSCs for the brown trout. The generalized curves will be useful for water management planning. It is difficult and time-consuming to take hydrometrical and ichthyological measurements at different water levels. Therefore, we developed a methodology for modifying suitability curves based on an ichthyological survey during a low flow and a flow at which fish lose the ability to resist the flow velocity. The study provides the information how such curves can be modified for a wider flow range. In summary, this study shows that generalized HSCs provide representative data that can be used to support both the design of river restoration and the assessment of the impacts of the water use or of climate change on stream habitat quality.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes,Mechanical Engineering,Water Science and Technology

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